© vandenberg-Photography.com -2024

What can I offer & upcoming projects

Below you can see what kind of photo shoot I am available for, unfortunately due to the lack of studio and studio lamps I currently have to rely on a reflection screen and possibly rent a studio.


Portait photos at the moment only on location. (at the moment no studio and studio lights or we need to rent this)


Animal shoot at locations.


If you have a nice theme of which you would like to have photos taken, you can always contact me or keep an eye out for the upcoming projects.


Fashion photo shoot currently only on location with reflection screen. (given that I am currently not occupied with studio and studio lamps or we will have to rent this.)

Family shoot

If you want a nice family photo on location, then you have come to the right place.


If you need nice photos to promote your campsite, park, nature reserve, ... you can always contact me.

Upcoming projects

At the moment no projects